Friday 10 November 2017


HONOUR: SAVE A GIRL SECURE THE FUTURE: In line with our ongoing campaign tagged #FreedomForTheGirls , we want to highlight progress made thus far. The campaign aims to supply sa...

Thursday 9 November 2017


In line with our ongoing campaign tagged #FreedomForTheGirls , we want to highlight progress made thus far. The campaign aims to supply sanitary pads for 450 South African School Girls for one year. This is done in collaboration with PinkKZN South Africa, a for-profit social enterprise that provides eco-friendly menstrual products that are degradable, washable and reusable. As we are gradually moving towards our set goals, this is an appreciation to those that have contributed immensely to this campaign. We are very optimistic that by the end of the campaign we will surpass our goal and would have done our bit to empower the girls. To join the campaign visit the following links:


For Contributions 
Banking details: 
Nedbank Account Number 1145323766, 
Account Name: PinkKZN
Account Type: Cheque Account; 
Branch Number: 198765 …..

Tuesday 7 November 2017


We are taking up a challenge to fund the provision of eco-friendly menstrual products that are degradable, washable and reusable to 450 school girls in South Africa.We are doing this in patnership with a South African for profit Social Enterprise PinkKZN.
This is done in sustaining Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which explained explicitly how young girls between the ages of 13 to 19 years are susceptible to various kind of challenges around the world.

For Donations to the campaign:

Banking details: 
Nedbank Account Number 1145323766, 
Account Name: PinkKZN
Account Type: Cheque Account; 
Branch Number: 198765 …..

For more info,follow the following links and share with your friends:

PINKZN on Facebook
Our Video Campaign 

Thursday 16 March 2017

Why The Senate DISMAGU Magu

Magu EFCC acting chairman
EFCC Acting Chairman

Magu was rejected the second time on the premises of a failed integrity test that was carried out by the Department of State Service. I wasn't that surprised,infact I would have been more surprised if he had been cleared by the Bukola Saraki led National Assembly.The same Bukola Saraki that is being tried for allegations bordering on several corruption cases with the recent one being an allegation of a #5Billion paris funds. Here are some points for the takings.

1) The DSS which shouldn't in any case act without the consent of the Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces filed a report on a nominee of the president and he is not even aware of the filth as narrated by the DSS about Magu. This only buttress the fact that there is operational inefficiency within the presidency and it stinks. Why can't the DSS made their report on Magu known to the president or was it the president that decided to handle the reports in a carefree manner? the answer is confined to the presidency. But one disgraceful fact is that the Presidency just achieved a low by displaying there dirty linen in the public domain and thereby shooting themselves in the foot.

2)The NASS premised his rejection on the DSS report,DSS as we know is an appendage of the Executive,did the NASS at any point ever setup an adhoc commitee at their level to investigate the report being used between his first screening and the second screening. It has been affirmed that he was rejected on both ocassions because of the same report.

3) Now to the conspiracy theory even if the presidency cleared Magu, and resend his name 100times,this NASS as constituted will still reject him because he apppears a man that is not ready to negotiate with corruption and its promoters. Magu is the man sitting on top of an investigation that includes some ex-governors. With most of them at the screening,passing Magu would have been like playing "Penalty to Throwing" in Small Doctor's words.

The believe is that Magu is being used as a pawn in a massive power contest going on and it is sad that the presidency 'negligently" actually fell for it. I want to say this categorically I am not a Magu apologist,neither am I a fan of this useless, good-for-nothing 8th Assembly.

They have displayed down the years that a rotten orange is more useful than them when it comes to handling issues of national interest,when the game is being served to fuel their personal interest,that is when the senate marksman-Dino Melaye will lead his brigand in shooting down anything that comes in between.

Dino's case is like that of a tortoise that made use of his hanky-panky attribute to achieve his aim,the tortoise later turns his back on his benefactors forgetting that what goes around surely comes back around. In the end it is that same achievement that consumed him and render the tortoise helpless. Let Dino continue on his riddance, I hope he enjoys what comes after.

However, in Mike Ozekhome's constitution,the president cannot resend Magu's name and Magu cannot even continue in acting capacity,he is a typical victim of Magu,so I wasn't even surprised because no thief will want to be caught pants down.
According to sources, the SP is having a candidate for the post of the EFCC,who is allegedly a Yoruba Man, so that he can cow him to do his bidding.
My advice to President Buhari is that the polity is getting dirty,all he needs to do is to wear Gloves and get it dirty also,and in the end his hand would be clean.
Mr President should just nominate a more ruthless person without the influence of the Kwarrupt people to whip them into line.

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Oyo State Map
Look back and get experience;
Look forward and see hope;
Look around and find reality;
Look within and find confidence;

So shall we look back and know where we are coming from. In Marcus Garvey's word, a generation without a sound knowledge of where they are coming from is like a tree without a root. It is a known fact that our dear state Oyo State of "blessed memory"-the glorious days have since become an illusion, is the most politically complicated state in the country. This is not so,but because the disunity in our diversity that has enveloped our socio-political atmosphere have not only affected the political arrangements of the state, it has also amount to grave underdevelopment in major parts of the state.
The contributions made by our forebears in ensuring the political independence with the spectacle of national unity in shaping the greatness of our beloved country is not a child's play. Let us not dig deeper,the stories and their respective achievements no matter how huge or small is still very much alive for every sane mind to glimpse at.
In the Pre-independence days and notably the first republic, Oyo state as it was then the capital of the defunct western region was the bride and toast of all and sundry. The pace at which unprecedented monuments and developments were experienced in those days have never been replicated by subsequent regimes. In those days Oyo state is well revered as the seat of thoughts and ideas,where people of different strata relates in their quest for knowledge and to engage leaders of thoughts.
Questions to be asked is
How did we got it all wrong,and at what point did we got it wrong?
The answer is not far-fetched,one fact that is peculiar to the good old days is the kind of Leaders we had and the harmonization of thoughts and ideas they shared in actualizing the common goal of ensuring the welfare of the populace is well taken care of. Bring up their names in public discourse and everyone far and wide will give a well deserved respect to their memories. The stellar ideological and democratic values they displayed in the course of giving governance to the people resonates directly with the yearnings of the teeming populace.

What Has Changed? 
Nothing has changed albeit Osun state being carved out of the Old Oyo state, but that is no reason for the excellent leadership lacuna experienced in the Agodi government house.Leadership position can never be empty. This is not to distance away from the fact that we've had men that distinguished themselves in their own capacity,the contemporary preference for political survival which in the real sense should be premised around the people they led still remains the reason why excellent leadership has evade us here in the pacesetter state. Give the people what they deserve and you remain in their memory till the end of time.
Chief Obafemi Awolowo is being remembered today not only because of his political sagacity,his governance style and his exemplary relationship with the people he led are the necessary materials that are lacking in the genre of leaders of today. The leaders we have today are more concerned about the affluence they command,they give zilch damn in how the kids on the street will get to school,how the health care system will be fixed,how to improve the welfare delivery to better the lots of the helpless in the society. It saddens one's heart to realise that most of the monuments-feeling a bit nostalgic, left by the first generations of leaders we have are been left to decay by subsequent governments,and those that are still standing are in pathetic state.
The present set of leaders rather would place their selfish interest above the welfare of the people they lead and turn themselves into 21st century Emperor unlike the first republic leaders that jettisoned their personal interest at the behest of the well-being and social-upliftment of the teeming populace.
Relevance can not be bought but earned. Dr Tai Solarin once said "Leadership means suffering",give the people good governance,and they will sing your name to high places.
The main point is in those days,excellence prevail over sectionalism,Unity prevailed over nepotism,and common goal comes before bigotry. It doesn't matter where you come from or which party you represented,so far your antecedent breeds excellence and you have an affable character. Example of such occasion was when Chief Adisa Akinloye of blessed memory led the Ibadan People's Party delegate to support Chief Obafemi Awolowo led Action group in the election of 1951 against a Dennis Osadebey who was projected by the NCNC having an Ibadan Man as the opposition leader in those days.
This same reason was what made Chief Busari Adelakun of blessed memory to vouch for Chief Bola Ige in 1979 as Governor of the Old Oyo State. All this people were legends of there time and have their names in the history book not because of their person but because they promote unity among themselves and were on course for a common goal which is no matter where you are comming from,so far you are capable of doing the job,you have their support.
However,in recent times we've let go of the common goal in actualising our projected pacesetting prowess for lies,bigotry and farcical sectionalism that was created by some set of selfish and good-for-nothing politicians in our state.
My curiosity led me to ask people around me a salient question which I know many people out there will be interested in. For the records,while Lagos state was the federal capital, Oyo was the capital of the old western region. Then the question is why has Oyo remain stagnant while Lagos is cruising at  the speed of Light? The cogent reason is not far-fetched, "Lack of Visionary Leadership".
While Lagos enjoyed successive excellent leadership,Leaders that tapped into the resources of their state for the benefit of the people and the state,while they were boosting Lagos economically,while they were developing Lagos to a formidable state that compares with first-class cities around the world, My people,I repeat my People were busy fighting over where the Governor should come from, they were busy fighting themselves on how to share the spoils,they were busy digging holes for themselves, before we could even say Jack Robinson, Lagos is head and shoulder above Oyo state.
The Case of Misplaced Priority
Sectionalism can be said to have erupted in Oyo State as far back as 1983. The scenario that played out between Chief Busari Adelakun and Chief Bola Ige who were once Political lovers gave birth to the thought of "Ibadan Must Be Governor". Let it be known that the fallout was never for public interest but a matter of personality and interest clash between the two which led to the fracas and subsequent political intolerance in the state. Let the historians take up the rest for another day!
My reason for pinpointing this fact is that as a student of history,we owe ourselves and our generation the duty to always get the facts right at all times. The records are everywhere to be cross-checked by anybody,we shouldn't because of our selfish interest play to the gallery to masturbate our ego at anytime.
Back to my earlier point,my take is this, which is very essential,after the separation of Osun state from Oyo State,Oyo state is left with Five Geopolitical Zones,our priorities should not be where the Governor or whosoever comes from,rather the best person,with an excellent antecedent and a visionary mind should always be encouraged to lead us at all times.
Placing Sectionalism above excellence will only continue to draw us back and our situation will be like that philosophical thought that said "doing the same thing the same way,and expecting a different result is the highest point of insanity". In 1979,it is safe to say that Bola Ige came from the Osun State of today,but his regime still stand as one of the best ever experienced in the history book of Oyo State.
The oldies of this generation have nothing but sheer selfish interest in promoting the Logic of the Governor must come from a particular place at all times. When a society is undergoing this kind of political imbroglio like ours with misplaced priority,the safety valves of the society is reposed in the youth,youth that are ready to wrestle their future from the claws of the old tigers. The mind of a typical youth is like an open blank book where many things could be written. As a youth we are undoubtedly a stakeholder in the system. As Cassius observed in Julio Ceaser "We are the master of our fate,the captain of our soul" are we ready to be the decision maker in what happens in our dear state? are we ready to take up the task of "GRABBING" our fate from the clutch of the fable that was created to serve sectional interest and not our collective interest? The time to take an holistic approach to governance and the issues surrounding our development is nigh.
The perspicuity in negativity of placing bigotry above excellence have been the bane of development, in Madiba's words "sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great,we can be that Generation",we owe our generation to correct this notion or the greatness we so much crave will continue to be an illusion.

The Change We Need
Times have come where we let go of those oldies that constituted themselves as an unchallengeable autocrats and an unrepentant emperor, in the nearest future which is 2019, Oyo State must go for a man whose viable antecedents speaks more of him than his words,who cannot be bought,whose word is his bond,who put character above wealth,who possesses opinions and will,who do not hesitate to take chances,who will not lose his individuality in crowd midst,who will be honest in small things as in greater things,who will make no compromise with wrong doing,whose ambitions are not confined to their selfish desires,who will make the interest of the people of the people of the state his priority,who is not afraid or ashamed to stand for the truth when it is so unpopular.

Join me for the next in series "Where there is a will" in few days time. THANKS