Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Beginning of the End

The windswept hill seemed to whine as the grass achingly tried to withstand the angry breath of mother nature. Shadows crashed upon the banks of the hill like waves on a cliff. Darkness had claimed this place and shrouded all around it. Clouds ensconced the sky and reached longingly towards the ground filling the air with an eerie mist. What should have been a tranquil place stank of scheming iniquity. This was the place evil came to enact its plans.
Silhouettes moved stealthily towards the tor - the deliberate silence in their movements unnecessary due to the deafening howl of the wind but old habits are hard to break. A slight and unexpected easing in the thickness of the clouds allows a soft glow of moonlight to scantily illume the hillside. Two men, burnished swords readied for an attack, head for the middle of the tor - the source of the silhouettes revealed. The fog begins to clear and the men start to circle each other.
Bolts of lightning flash through the sky and scorch the earth at the feet of the swordsmen. The burnt and cracked rock around them creaking under its own weight adds to the tension as the two men, steel in their hands and their eyes, head for their terminal combat - thought of the victory. Spoils steadying their hands and slowing their frantic beating hearts.
This is an epic battle of blades that you see in the movies which is synonymous to the political state of the nation. Gladiators pitting their wits and skills against each other for the ultimate prize... Survival!!!
There can only be one.
The situation is akin to the milieu the political imbroglio have left the nation. Prior to the elections in few weeks time, there are many questions pondering on the mind of patriotic Nigerians. On top of it all is the fate of our beloved Country after the election?. For me we are left with only one option, we must sacrifice all it takes to survive, If the old way isn't working, we've got to do what it takes to survive. We must not allow this forthcoming election to be the end of our great country, let us rise up to wrestle our country from the hands of selfish and merciless leaders who cared only for the few cabals and leave we the majority in the hands of poverty and hunger.
God bless Nigeria.
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