Wednesday 23 March 2016

Bernie Sanders: Donald Trump Is Using Brussels To Attack All Muslims

“To imply that if somebody is a Muslim they’re a terrorist, that is an outrageous statement.”

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says Republican presidential front-runner and reality television star Donald Trump is using the tragedy in Brussels to incite bigotry against Muslims around the world.
“I think people get afraid, and for good reasons,” Sanders said in a Tuesday evening interview with Jimmy Kimmel. “ISIS is a disgusting, barbaric organization. We’ve seen what they’ve done in Paris, what they’ve done in Brussels. People are afraid of an attack in the United States. But I think what we have to understand is we’re not going to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America in order to effectively destroy ISIS.”
“At the end of the day, we cannot allow the Trumps of the world to use these incidents to attack all of the Muslim people in the world. That is unfair,” he added. “To imply that if somebody is a Muslim they’re a terrorist, that is an outrageous statement.”
Trump called for closing U.S. borders on Tuesday, after a series of deadly terror attacks left dozens killed or wounded in Brussels.
“We have to look at the mosques and study what’s going on. There is a sick problem going on,” Trump said in an interview with CBS News.

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