Tuesday 22 March 2016

Nigeria: The Burden of Climate Change

"Such a scenario is disturbing, and we have to take action," Onuigbo said. "We have seen the devastation in Ogoniland and in Bayelsa. The impact of gas-flaring is visible in the South-south. These are things that we are screaming about; that we must take action. We do not have to wait until the negative effects of these things catch up with us. There is a provision to stop gas-flaring in 2030, but that's a long time. We must really take action.
"We have not seen the political will to take far reaching productive actions. That's why we are hoping that as we go forward, with the kind of passionate leadership that has been shown by leaders of the National Assembly, we will be able to get in place laws to really push the executive into action."
And President Buhari regularly reinstating the country's commitment to the climate change fight, Onuigbo is worried that the MDAs, who are saddled with the responsibility to implement policies to match the President's commitment, are not doing enough.
"This is one of the reasons why my committee has held several interactive sessions with climate change impacted MDAs," he said. "This is why we invite them over and over again. During our interactions, some of these MDAs even admitted that they had not been doing anything regarding climate change. Some ministries that are negatively impacted by climate change do not have a climate change department or unit. But, through our interactions with them, we are correcting this malaise.
"We would like to see verifiable, practical actions, taken by these MDAs, to match the commitment that Mr. President has made on behalf of the good people of Nigeria. Mr. President has repeatedly talked about climate change and how Nigeria must fight it. If Mr. President is taking the pains to make these pronouncements, those saddled with the responsibility of taking action must do so. We are very optimistic that we will continue to record progress going forward."

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