Friday 25 March 2016

Someone wrote 'Donald Trump 2016' in chalk at a university campus and students are freaking out

Mirror UK

'Trump 2016' scrawled in chalk at Atlanta's Emory University campus
'Trump 2016' scrawled in chalk at Atlanta's Emory University campus
Students at an American university have claimed they are frightened and “in pain” after someone scrawled support for Donald Trump on their campus.
About 40 to 50 undergraduates expressed their fears demanding a meeting with officials after the 'Trump 2016' graffiti appeared.
Some students at Atlanta's Emory University were upset as they do not support Trump and are against some of his political values which include anti immigration.
During a protest they chanted: “You are not listening. Come speak to us, we are in pain.”
They then entered a building screaming: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
The move led to president of the university Jim Wagner meeting with the protesters.
He later sent out an email explaining: "During our conversation, they voiced their genuine concern and pain in the face of this perceived intimidation.
“After meeting with our students, I cannot dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity.
"Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own.”
The move however has led to widespread condemnation with many calling for the students, who called the scribblings “hateful graffiti”, to grow up.
Army veteran Terry Wood, 72, said: “In World War II teenagers stormed the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima putting their lives on the line for these people’s freedoms. Today teenagers are afraid of things written on chalk boards. Liberalism has gone too far.
“Can you picture going to these cry babies, dragging them out of their classrooms because someone said no to them and sending them to war? That is what happened to us.”
'Vote Trump' scrawled in chalk at Atlanta's Emory University campus
Students say they are 'in pain' over the Trump graffiti
Candice Morgan, 24, herself a student, added: "Oh those poor little lambs.
“I do hope the President tucked into bed with a cup of hot chocolate after that horrible experience. “There must be so traumatised.”
Emory’s student newspaper's editor, Zak Hudak, posted an editorial addressing the incident.
He wrote: "I do not take lightly the fears and pains of those students who felt victimised by the 'Trump 2016' chalkings around campus, and I try my best to support oppressed groups on campus.
"The duty of a newspaper to give a voice to the voiceless surpasses that of echoing those in power.
'Trump 2016' scrawled in chalk at Atlanta's Emory University campus
Trump is the Republican front-runner
"I acknowledge again that Donald Trump is unlike any recent candidate who has lasted to this stage of a presidential election and that, for many Emory students, support of him holds a different connotation than support for Hillary Clinton or John Kasich.
"It is nonetheless necessary to ask those protesters what would happen should the tables be turned. "Suppose we had a different administration.
"Suppose it was ruled that protests, such as the one on Tuesday, made Trump supporters feel threatened on campus.
"Freedom of speech works both ways, and its hindrance affects both sides.
"It is not the role of an institution that is devoted to the critical education of its students to tell those students which opinions they are allowed to have."
Emory University caters for around 14,000 students.

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