Thursday 7 April 2016

Sanders: Clinton's not qualified to be president

Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president, Bernie Sanders told a crowd of supporters in Philadelphia on Wednesday night in his sharpest attack yet on the struggling Democratic front-runner.
"Now the other day, I think, Secretary Clinton appeared to be getting a little bit nervous," he started.

"We have won, we have won seven out of eight of the recent primaries and caucuses. And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, quote unquote, not qualified to be president," he continued.
"Well let me, let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton: I don't believe that she is qualified if she is, if she is, through her super PAC, taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds."
"I don't think you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super PAC," he went on.
"I don't think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq. I don't think you are qualified if you've supported virtually every disastrous trade agreement, which has cost us millions of decent paying jobs. I don't think you are qualified if you supported the Panama free trade agreement, something I very strongly opposed and which, as all of you know, has allowed corporations and wealthy people all over the world to avoid paying their taxes to their countries," he concluded.
Following Sanders' remarks, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon disputed the notion that she had said the Vermont senator wasn't qualified to be president.
"Hillary Clinton did not say Bernie Sanders was 'not qualified.' But he has now - absurdly - said it about her. This is a new low," he tweeted.
Clinton did, however, decline to say on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday that Sanders is qualified.
When asked point-blank by host Joe Scarborough whether Sanders was ready for the Oval Office, Clinton raised the senator's recent interview with the New York Daily News.
"Well, I think the interview raised a lot of serious questions," Clinton said. "I think of it this way: The core of his campaign has been 'break up the banks,' and it it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank."
Asked again whether Sanders is qualified, Clinton dodged. "Well, I think he hadn't done his homework, and he'd been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn't really studied or understood, and that raises a lot of questions," she said.
Asked a third time, Clinton said she would "leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job the country needs."

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