Showing posts with label Refugees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Refugees. Show all posts

Monday 4 April 2016

Greece Begins Deportation Of Migrants to Turkey

April 3, 2016: Refugees are seen inside Moria camp in the Greek island of Lesbos.
A first group of migrants were ferried from the Greek islands to Turkey Monday as part of a controversial European Union plan to curb migration to Europe.
Under heavy security, authorities on the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios put 202 people on boats bound for Turkey — the first to be sent back as part of the plan, which has drawn strong criticism from human rights advocates.
The first vessel arrived later in the Turkish port of Dikili where migrants were taken to red-and-white tents for registration and health checks. About a dozen people stood at the port holding a banner that read "Welcome refugees. Turkey is your home."
A second vessel was expected soon after. Authorities said most of the people in the first batch are Pakistani nationals.
Turkey and the European Union reached a deal last month which stipulates that migrants who reach Greece illegally from Turkey after March 20 will be returned to Turkey unless they qualify for asylum. For every Syrian turned back, a Syrian refugee is to be resettled from Turkey to the EU.
Monday was the designated start date for transfers and marks a symbolic, successful benchmark in the agreement, which has been plagued by concerns over human rights and the adequacy of preparations taken in Greece and Turkey, the primary players in its implementation. The numbers transferred, however, were smaller than initially forecast.
"All of the migrants returned are from Pakistan except two migrants from Syria who returned voluntarily," Giorgos Kyritsis, a spokesman for a government refugee crisis committee, told state TV.
"There is no timetable for returns. Examining (asylum) applications will take some time."
About 4,000 migrants and refugees are being detained on Greek islands since the agreement came into effect March 20.
Kyritsis said 136 migrants were deported from Lesbos and 66 from the nearby island of Chios, where riot police clashed with local residents hours earlier during a protest against expulsions.
"This is the first day of a very difficult time for refugee rights. Despite the serious legal gaps and lack of adequate protection in Turkey, the EU is forging ahead with a dangerous deal," Giorgos Kosmopoulos, head of Amnesty International in Greece, told the Associated Press from Lesbos.
"Turkey is not a safe third country for refugees. The EU and Greek authorities know this and have no excuse."
The operation was supervised by a lieutenant general of the Greek police and occurred peacefully, as ships departed from Lesbos to the Turkish port of Dikili. The deportations started with migrants who did not apply for asylum or had their applications declared inadmissible.
"Even if this first group is not refugees, what we are seeing here is symbolic kick-off of what might be a very dangerous practice of returns to Turkey," Kosmopoulos said.
The first vessel, the Nazli Jale, docked in Dikili accompanied by the Turkish coast guard as a helicopter flew overhead. A second ship, the Lesvos, was due later in the morning.
A total of 50,000 migrants and refugees are stranded in Greece following EU and Balkan border closures, but only those who arrived after March 20 will be detained for deportation.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Syrian refugees next door?

Syrian refugee Dania poses at the Sacramento, California apartment complex she lives in. REUTERS/Max Whittaker
Jeffrey H. Cohen, The Ohio State University
Following the March 2016 bombings in Brussels, Donald Trump stated:
We have to be smart … We’re taking in people without real documentation. We don’t know where they are coming from … they could be ISIS-related.
Not to be outdone, Sen. Ted Cruz added:
We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.
The statements on the Brussels bombings amplified the responses of the GOP presidential candidates to the 2015 Paris attacks. Trump expressed the fear that our nation was at risk because resettlement could become a “Trojan Horse,” allowing violent terrorists easy entry. John Kasich was concerned about our national security being undermined.
These fears are shared by 31 of our nation’s governors and a majority of U.S. citizens.
But what are the chances that a refugee could move next door? And even if one did, what is the risk that he or she would turn out to be a terrorist?

Running the numbers

Five-year-old Syrian refugee Leen works on her homework in California. REUTERS/Max Whittaker

Certainly the number of Syrian refugees who have fled their homeland is staggering. The UNHCR estimates that the civil war has created about 5 million refugees.
But the vast majority of refugees are not bound for the U.S.
Since November 2013, the UN has identified and referred about 26,500 Syrians for resettlement in the U.S. That is about 0.5 percent of the total number of Syrians who have fled their homeland and fewer than many other countries are set to receive.
Syrian refugees face intense scrutiny before they are allowed to enter the U.S. They are vetted in a process that can take up to 18 months. During this time, they are checked and interviewed by the Department of Homeland Security. The number of Syrians who have completed the review process and arrived in the U.S. is small.
How small? In 2014, the U.S. accepted just 132 Syrian refugees. That was comparable in numbers to Moldovan, Nepali and Russian refugees. It represents fewer than 0.2 percent of the 70,000 refugees who arrived legally in the U.S. following federal rules and was far fewer than the 292,540 refugees offered asylum by the EU in 2015.
The total number of Syrian refugees relocated to the U.S. totaled 2,174 through November 2015, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement. That is a number so small as to be almost insignificant. The possibility that a Syrian family might become your neighbor is nearly zero. Syrian refugees represent fewer than 0.0007 percent of the nation’s population.
Furthermore, Syrian refugees aren’t settled just anywhere.

Stirring fear

Recent refugee makes a pot of Syrian coffee in New Jersey. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

After careful vetting, refugees are settled by one of nine agencies: Church World Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services, and World Relief.
These agencies build upon personal connection to place Syrians as close as possible to family and people that they know. The fears voiced by Trump, Cruz and others are akin to playing a terror version of the game Six Degrees of Separation. The game is based on the belief that any two people on the Earth are no more than six acquaintances apart. In the terror version, we replace acquaintances with violence and assume our well being is under threat.
And yet, as the White House points out, not one Syrian refugee in the U.S. has been arrested or deported on terror related charges.
The Obama administration hopes to relocate 10,000 additional Syrian refugees in the coming year. This is a plan supported by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Doubts raised by the GOP candidates may be working to slow even these modest goals.
To put this number into context, the Mariel boatlift resettled approximately 125,000 Cubans. And between 1975 and 1995, about 2 million Vietnamese refugees were relocated to the U.S.
Of course, some in the GOP hold views that differ from the candidates, recognizing that welcoming refugees robs ISIS and other groups of their portrayal of the U.S. as an uncaring, unkind place. As Utah Gov. Gary Herbert recently told NPR:
We don’t want to have terror imported to Utah. But we were just a little bit reluctant to use somebody’s religion as the defining description of who can come into a state and who can come into our country and who cannot.
Adopting this attitude would allow us to focus on the concerns that we all share: the free and safe pursuit of happiness.
The Conversation

Jeffrey H. Cohen, Professor of Anthropology, The Ohio State University
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.