Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Sunday 27 March 2016

Pope at Easter recalls victims of ‘blind, brutal terrorism’

Pope at Easter recalls victims of ‘blind, brutal terrorism’
Pope Francis tempered his Easter Sunday message of Christian hope with a denunciation of “blind” terrorism, recalling victims of attacks in Europe, Africa and elsewhere, as well as expressing dismay that people fleeing war or poverty are being denied welcome as European countries squabble over the refugee crisis.
Tens of thousands of people patiently endured long lines, backpack inspections and metal-detecting checks Sunday to enter St. Peter’s Square. Under a brilliant sun, they listened to Francis deliver the traditional noon Easter speech from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.
To their delight, Francis completed a whirl through the square, made colorful with sprays of tulips and other spring flowers, in his open-topped pope-mobile after celebrating Mass on the steps of the basilica. He leaned over barriers to shake hands, as the vehicle ventured past the Vatican’s confines, with his bodyguards jogging alongside on the boulevard.
For years, Islamist extremists in social media have listed the Vatican and Rome as potential targets due to hosting the headquarters of the Roman Catholic church and several basilicas. Despite the threats, Francis has kept to his habit of trying to be in close physical contact with ordinary people.
Francis said, for the faithful, Jesus who rose after death by crucifixion “triumphed over evil and sin.”
He expressed hope that “will draw us closer to the victims of terrorism, that blind and brutal form of violence.”
At the end of Mass, he chatted briefly with the former king and queen of Belgium, Albert II and Paola, who attended the ceremony.
In his speech, Francis cited recent attacks in Belgium, Turkey, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Iraq.
He called the message of Easter “a message of life for all humanity.”
Easter “invites us not to forget those men and women seeking a better future, an ever more numerous throng of migrants and refugees — including many children — fleeing from war, hunger, poverty and social injustice,” he said.
As he has done repeatedly, Francis lamented that “all too often, these brothers and sisters of ours meet along the way with death or, in any event, rejection by those who could offer them welcome and assistance.”
Some European countries have erected barbed-wire fences and other barriers to keep out those who continue to arrive on Greek and Italian shores after risky sea voyages on smugglers’ boats. Another strategy has been for some European countries to express a preference for accepting Christian refugees over Muslim ones — which would effectively rule out the vast majority of Syrian refugees.
Most recently, a host of countries along Europe’s main migrant route north of Greece to central Europe have simply closed their borders to refugees, stranding thousands of refugee families at different border points.
Francis also decried the destruction and “contempt for humanitarian law” in Syria, millions of whose people have fled to Europe or to refugee camps closer to their homeland.

Saturday 5 March 2016

AFRICA : Muslims oppose plan to declare Liberia a Christian state


A proposal to declare Liberia a Christian state is raising questions about religious tolerance in the West African country.
The National Muslim Council of Liberia (NMCL) on Friday its withdrawal from the Inter-Religious Council of Liberia (IRCL) following reports that the Liberian Council of Churches (LCC) had supported the proposal.
NMCL Secretary-General Sheikh Akibu Sheriff described as “unfortunate” the fact that the CCL took an institutional position on the matter.
Crafted plan
“It has become unequivocally clear to the Muslim community of Liberia that the Council of Churches has embarked on a carefully crafted plan to declare Liberia a Christian nation,” Mr Sheriff was quoted by the local press.
He said the plan was aimed at imposing “all the features of prejudices” against all other faiths and gives preferential treatment to Christianity.
IRCL was founded during the Liberian civil war to help foster peace.
A major role
It is credited for playing a major role in bringing peace to the country, just like the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone.
The IRCL was established in Freetown in 1990 before war broke out in Sierra Leone, to negotiate between the government of President Samuel K. Doe and Charles Taylor’s rebel forces.
The debate on whether to declare Liberia a Christian state began as early as in 2011.
High profile
The idea has been criticised by some high profile politicians, notably President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and parliamentary Speaker Alex Tyler.
According to reports, an advocate of the idea, the Rev. Arnold Hill, declared the CCL’s position at a recent meeting with a parliamentary committee.
According to reports on Friday evening, the CCL was scheduled to meet next Tuesday to discuss the issue and come up with a position.

Friday 4 March 2016

Beauty Queen of Czech Democratic Republic Marketa Korinkova embraces Islam

Former Beauty Queen of Democratic Republic of Czechoslovakia, Marketa Korinkova embraced Islam after repenting to lead the life of Christianity. She said that she has decided to embrace Islam and settled down in Dubai relinquishing her native country. She also changed her name as Maryam. She said that the status given to Muslim women in Islam attracted her to accept this faith. She has been thinking of embracing this faith for the past three years. She made a public announcement in Dubai of her accepting Islam.
According to a report published in Arab Journal “Al Quds-al-Arabi”, in London, international fame production designer, super-model and film actress, Marketa Korinkova surprised her fans by making this announcement. She was elected Miss Universe in a beauty contest held in Italy, after which she gained international fame. Many multinational companies acquired her services for publicizing their products. Very soon, she became the super model. Hollywood also offered her to perform in their films. In the film ME90LOVE, she had played a key role. She held the position of Director of Prague’s Film Academy FAMU. She is an acclaimed international designer. She also has an advertising company in Prague. A noted company of Dubai, Ali and Sons Group of Companies appointed her as their Sales Manager.
She holds a master’s degree in English Literature from Charles University of Prague. Later, she did her MA in Production Designing from National Film and TV School of the Royal College of Arts, London. She also worked for BBC.
After getting the position of Miss World, she scaled greater heights but she said that despite having everything she was mentally upset. She tested everything to get rid of her internal restlessness. She resorted to drinking wine, playing music and gambling but the thirst of her soul could not rest. On the advice of one of her friends, she started studying various religions three years back. As a born Christian, she did not find solace in Christianity. Disappointed with Christianity, she started studying Islam. Her eyes were then opened. The status Islam has given to women attracted her and she decided to embrace Islam. After spending some time in UAE, s
he decided to settle down permanently in Dubai. She said that in her childhood she was told that Islam has not given any status to women. When she studied Islam, the truth was exposed that Islam has given a pious position to women whereas the west is playing with women in the name of freedom. She told that she has decided to settle down in Dubai so that she could get more of Islamic teachings. She expressed her feeling that for a long time there was a burden on her heart and she was restless without any reason. When she recited “Kalima”, her restlessness came to an end. She has given up western garments and started wearing hijab. When she posted her photographs with Hijab, millions of her fans got surprised. They thought that she has posted these pictures of her taking part in Arab fashion show. When she announced that she has embraced Islam and changed her name, their surprise increased.